2021 IN REVIEW: ✨🥳
2021 has been a year of MAJOR growth for this business of mine and I owe it all to YOU for making that happen! As the year is ending soon, I figured it would be fun and rewarding to round up a few top memories that stand out to me as shaping moments for HWD! The year started off with a bang when my Tik Tok went viral, ended with my very first in person popup market, and A LOT of other BIG things happened in between. I couldn’t have made it this far without you all, so take this as a virtual hug from me to you for supporting my business and helping me follow my dreams!🤍

#1: My first viral Tik Tok video
A last-minute video I created of myself unboxing brand new coffee keychains went viral on Tik Tok and I got more orders in one weekend than I had previously been getting over several weeks!! After this video went viral, I gained followers (aka friends😉) and started to see more consistent sales across the board from there on out.

#2: Launched a brand-new product!
Early on this year I branched out my product line and added glassware to the items I offer! This new product skyrocketed my sales and boosted my business A LOT! Adding new product types to a business is scary since there are so many unknowns, but I hope to add a few more in 2022 again!

#3: New collection and brand style evolved✨
Over the summer I released the No Bad Days apparel collection with new tees and crews! This was the first line of apparel I launched that I saw a significant number of sales from, but it also helped me figure out my branding and determine the “style” I have in mind for my business/products. The simple design pattern of this apparel has evolved into the HWD brand and it’s all thanks to the release of the No Bad Days collection!
#4: Set up HWD headquarters (my at home office space)
After waiting months for a new pegboard and office accessories to be delivered, I was finally able to set up an office that is versatile and useable as a business space! Yes, HWD HQ is in my bedroom at home, but it gives me enough space to work, create, and run this business smoothly!

#5: New launches were successful!
This past fall I had a small amount of product launches, but my business was growing, allowing each launch to improve! My spooky crewneck for Halloween was one of my first sell-out items, making me feel MUCH more confident in the new design and brand style that I had been beginning to incorporate into my products!

#6: Moved my business into my college dorm room😅
This was arguably the biggest feat of all! I somehow managed to move my ENTIRE business into my college dorm room, store nearly everything under my bed, and run the business smoothly out of such a small space. Looking back, I’m still not quite sure how I did it, but somehow it worked! Although I will say, I’m not quite ready to switch back to this business style for spring semester yet, haha!

Black Friday/Cyber Monday was the biggest weekend for my business TO DATE! I received more orders than ever before and was humbled by all your support. It’s still crazy to me that so many people all over the world wear/use my designs and products! 🤍

#8: Sell-outs and restocks galore!
This year I sold out of more products than ever before! I was constantly updating inventory and ordering more stock of crewnecks, t-shirts, keychains, glassware, etc. Fall of 2021 is when business really started to take off (small business owners know, Q4 is insane!) so I was coming home from college often to pick up new inventory or make more products for restocks.

#9: My first popup market 🥳
Despite the VERY rainy, freezing and windy weather, I did my first popup market!! It was SO fun to meet a few of you in person and meet new customers along the way! After over a year of running my business from behind a screen, meeting people in real life was refreshing and rewarding all at once!
Overall, 2021 has been QUITE the year! It had its challenges, but overall, this was a year I always want to remember. Thank YOU for helping my business grow, evolve, and improve in 2021, and here’s to an even better 2022!
✨Happy New Year!